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Florida Nonprofits Membership

JOIN Florida Nonprofits now to enjoy the many benefits that help your nonprofit to thrive.
First Name:
Last Name:
Title (optional):
Organization (optional):
(ignore for non-US transactions)
Zip Code:
Email Address:
Confirm Email Address:
Preferred Phone:
Credit Card Billing Address
 If the address where you receive the credit card bill is different than above, please enter it here.
Zip Code:

I would like to become a Florida Nonprofits member to receive discounts and take advantage of benefits from A to Z. Enter the organization/company name.
If the address is different from the address listed above, please enter the nonprofit/company address.
Nonprofit members only: Annual Budget is:
Nonprofit members only: Number of Employees (FTE)
Are there others in your organization who would like to receive email notifications, newsletters, and other nonprofit specific items? If so, list their names, titles and email addresses. (Limited to 10 per organization)
Associate Members and Preferred Partners only: What are your marketing goals?
Associate Members and Preferred Partners only: Do you currently serve nonprofit organizations? If so, how many? If not enter n/a.
Date of Incorporation - When is your organization's birthday?
Sponsorship (Limited membership sponsorships are available.) A letter requesting sponsorship should be written on company letterhead and must include the reason why a sponsorship is needed and how your organization will benefit from the sponsorship. All letters must be signed and dated to be considered. Email all requests to
Please choose one of the membership categories below
Nonprofit with BUDGET UNDER $200,000 (do not click box for recurring payments) ($150.00) - Or $15.00/month scheduled payments
Nonprofit with BUDGET OVER $200,000 under $500,000 (do not click box for recurring payments) ($350.00) - Or $35.00/month scheduled payments
Nonprofit with BUDGET OVER 500,000 & UNDER 1 MILLION (do not click box for recurring payments) ($675.00) - Or $67.50/month scheduled payments
Nonprofit with BUDGET OVER 1 MILLION & UNDER 4 MILLION (do not click box for recurring payments) ($1,000.00) - Or $100.00/month scheduled payments
Nonprofit with BUDGET OVER 4 MILLION (do not click box for recurring payments) ($1,500.00) - Or $150.00/month scheduled payments
Associate Membership CONSULTANT, VOLUNTEER, or INDIVIDUAL (do not click box for recurring payments) ($150.00) - Or $15.00/month scheduled payments
Associate Membership SMALL BUSINESS/GOVERNMENT AGENCY (do not click box for recurring payments) ($350.00) - Or $35.00/month scheduled payments
Associate Membership CORPORATE (do not click box for recurring payments) ($675.00) - Or $67.50/month scheduled payments
Preferred Partner SPONSOR (do not click box for recurring payments) ($2,500.00) - Or $250.00/month scheduled payments
Preferred Partner UNDERWRITER (do not click box for recurring payments) ($3,500.00) - Or $350.00/month scheduled payments
Preferred Partner BENEFACTOR (do not click box for recurring payments) ($6,750.00) - Or $675.00/month scheduled payments
Preferred Partner ANGEL (do not click box for recurring payments) ($10,000.00) - Or $1,000.00/month scheduled payments
Preferred Partner ARCHANGEL (do not click box for recurring payments) ($30,000.00) - Or $3,000/month scheduled payments
Charge Amount:
  Other Amount --> $
  You can choose any amount you'd like by checking the box for the amount you'd like to give, or by checking the Other option and entering a custom amount in the blank field.
Make this a Recurring Transaction? By default your card will only be charged today, with no recurrence set up. However, you can use the fields below to specify a recurring payment on the schedule of your choosing. Change the recurrence to specify how often your transaction will be processed. Specify an end date to stop transactions after a certain point in time (if you are unsure, use the expiration of your credit card).
End Date:
Pay by Credit Card  
Card Type:
Credit Card Number:
Credit Card Expiration (mm/yy): /
Name On Card:
C V V Value:
Thank your for your membership in the Florida Association of Nonprofits.